Friday, February 13, 2009

Weigh In Day

My goal is to lose a healthy 2.5 lbs per week.

Previous Weight 242.8 lbs
Current Weight 239.4 lbs

Loss of 3.4lbs


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Good Start

I have had a really good start this week. I did 7 miles yesterday on the bike and 8 miles today and got my water in for both days.

Made a Tilapia Fillet (4 ounces) today for lunch and really enjoyed it, only 98 calories, 0 carbs and 21 grams of protein.

I just put it in the oven at 350 for about 10-13 minutes, drizzeled extra light virgin olive oil, sprinkled garlic powder, black pepper, salt and red cayenne pepper. Very tasty and fast.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Keeping track

I am making a commitment to myself to track everything I put into my mouth. I will be weighing and measuring everything so there is no estimating. I will actually know how much I am consuming.

I am currently reading "Winning by Losing" by Jillian Michaels. I need to learn how to eat right for my body. How to plan healthy meals. I already know how to use my bike, treadmill, etc. It is the eating part that I need to get a handle on. I believe with journaling everything I eat, good or bad, I can start making some real changes within my life.

Keep moving forward!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Eating right...

I find it very helpful to use the nutrition tracking tools on I seem to make bad choices if I don't plan ahead. I also make better eating choices if I do my workout in the morning. I feel like if I have got my workout in I don't want what I have eaten that day to mess up all the hard work that morning.

I am a smoker and have to stop this habit as well. When working out I can hardly breathe because of my smoking habit. Shoot even when I am not working out I can hardly breathe in the morning. I am fearful of trying to quit. In the past I have subsituted food for cigarettes.

In the past I quit smoking successfully for 2 years. When I quit I gained 25lbs. It didn't really bother me at the time, I was so focused on quiting that the side effect of weight gain didn't concern me. Of course even after putting on the 25lbs I didn't weigh as much as I do know. I know you are probably asking your self why after not smoking for 2 years did I start again. I wrongly thought just having 1 cigarette out with friends at a club wouldn't be enought to get me hooked again. I didn't realize it is like an acholoic, you can never have even 1 puff or you are hooked again. I wish I had realized this! No one to blame but myself.